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Rebecca Halbach
Bischoffsheimlaan 15
Brussels,  BE 1000
Phone: +3224867500
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.cooley.com
Blog: products.cooley.com/
Twitter: twitter.com/cooleyllp
Link to Biography: https://www.cooley.com/people/rebecca-halbach
Educated: University of Cambridge (BA, MA) and
Admitted to Bar: New York and Brussels Bar - B list
Practice Areas: Product Safety Consultation, Product Recall
Practice Description: Rebecca recently joined Cooley's Brussels office to reinforce the growing International Products Law Team. She approaches her work with an international mindset, having studied and worked in the UK, France, Switzerland and Belgium, including at the World Health Organization and the European Commission. Rebecca's practice focuses on advising clients on EU law, in particular on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues and product compliance requirements. She is advising on matter such as sustainability reporting, green claims, ecodesign, and the right to repair. She has experience in coordinating multi-jurisdictional assessments and assisting clients with horizon spotting of upcoming EU legislation with her experience in EU public affairs.
Industries Served: Consumer products, electrical and electronic equipment, chemicals, plastics, textile and apparel, semiconductors.
The Product Safety & Recall Directory
4579 Laclede Ave., #326
St. Louis, Missouri 63108
Telephone: 314-497-1797
Email: [email protected]